This is the Place where we help titans pivot


With the ambitious target of reaching net zero by 2050, bp are on a mission to reimagine energy for people and the planet. A big part of that is transforming their digital operations and the way they work. That’s where we come in. 

Starting in 2019, we became a key foundational partner in helping bp’s small, disparate design team transform and grow into what is now a global Human Experience Design capability. Working alongside in-house teams as well as many of the worlds largest agencies and consultancies. This Place experts collaborate on a vast range of projects, from identifying efficiencies in existing processes through to designing digital products to improve human safety. 

We work across all areas of design, from carrying out extensive research and creating visions, roadmaps and blueprints to running workshops and executing design sprints to build new tools, products and services. 

The result? Making sure bp’s brilliant people are able to work more accurately, sustainably, and safely than ever before.

What we did

  • End-to-end service design
  • Product design
  • UX research
  • Content design
  • Design operations
152-154 Curtain Road
Shoreditch, London
8484 Wilshire Blvd
Suite 515, Beverly Hills
CA 90211